Friday, February 11, 2011

Miley Cyrus Make-up Tutorial!

If you want your medoll make-up/face to look like Miley Cyrus... follow these steps.

1. Choose the right eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips to begin with. And even put a beauty mark. Eyes: Page 1, Row 1, Left. Eyebrows: Page 4, Row 2, Middle. Nose: Page 2, Row 1, Left. Lips: Page 2, Row 5, Left.

2. To make bigger lashes, add some fake eyelashes which is available at Sunny Bunny Accessories.

3. Add voluminizing mascara and lengthening mascara. So it creates depth and great eyes.

4. Add some liner. Both black and white pencil liner you'll need. Check the pic below to see where to apply liner and where not to apply liner. When using the black liner, around the outer part of the eye, make it more of a curved shape and not so much a pointly line.

5. Now for the eyeshadow. Only use the black eyeshadow. Used to create depth. Check the picture below as how to apply it.

6. Blush. Use a rosy"er" type of blush. Check the image below as to how to apply it.

7. Finishing make-up... LIPSTICK! Choose a light pink lipstick or lipgloss.

8. Now... you have to look for a similar Miley Cyrus hairdo. Non-superstar hair: Page 1, Row 2 , Left. When you put this hair on, it might be weird with the eyelashes part, so you can take it off. Just that one eye. The hair colour you're looking for is more of a redish, brownish and blondish colour.

Now you've got a MILEY CYRUS LOOK ALIKE DOLL! ;) Hope you like and use it.
Comment below please.
And give me your feedback and what celebrity tutorial you want next.
Thanks so much!


1 comment:

  1. Hope you all like. I spent a lot of time doing it for you guys.
